How can we help you?

"It was by far the most positive interview experience I've had. I felt the firm respected me and my experience."

Why did you decide to join Trowers & Hamlins?

People here are uniformly helpful and very bright. Just as in the interview process, they've been very supportive.

If you hadn't become a lawyer, what would you have become?

Even though I've only been here ten months, I've completed Islamic financing deals in development finance. They're innovative, new deals - but I'm trusted to take responsibility for them and work on them on my own.

What has been your favourite day at Trowers & Hamlins?

Varied. (There's a real mix of work.) Bright. (The friendly, whizzy, on the ball people.) Inclusive. (You don't have to be a cardboard-cut-out to work here.)

What three words or phrases would you use to describe yourself?

I like things to be right. I love to chase things down. And I strive to have a strong commercial focus.