Housing providers operate in complex and challenging times. They are required to deliver more for less within strict regulatory frameworks as well as relied upon to lever in added value through social, environmental and resident-led initiatives.
Squeezed budgets make any savings attractive: but how can housing providers procure contracts in a way that does not encourage a "race to the bottom" response from bidders but delivers quality and safe outcomes?
How price is evaluated in tenders impacts on the ensuing contracts: getting the price wrong results in contracts that fail to secure quality and safe outcomes, promote variations and disputes and set the relationship off on the wrong footing. The price evaluation model selected by a housing provider (whereby prices are converted into scores for evaluation purposes) sets the tone for the entire relationship, and a model that incentivises a race to the bottom should be avoided at all cost. So what are the alternatives?
Trowers & Hamlins has led a working group looking at alternative pricing models and how they can be used in the housing sector to secure sustainable outcomes. The findings of the working group have been set out in a White Paper: designed to act as a "conversation starter" and commence a series of discussions and workshops so that the sector can explore alternative pricing models, decide on their utility and application for the sector and obtain an enhanced awareness of their importance and impact in procurement processes.
Please join us for the launch of the White Paper – to start the conversation and hear presentations from a keynote speaker and key working group members on the importance of price evaluation and brief introductions to the price evaluation models.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Tom Copley, Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Residential Development
- Shane Hughes, Director, Savills
- Katie Williams, Business Partner, Optivo
- Antony Silk, Director of Procurement, Optivo
- Rebecca Rees, Partner, Trowers & Hamlins
- Stuart Brown, Associate, Trowers & Hamlins
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