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Join us for our first event of Procurement Week 2025 and the launch of the Construction Leadership Council's latest publication, "Potential solutions to common evaluation issues faced by Clients in the Built Environment Sector"

The new Procurement Act 2023 gives us a system designed and developed in the UK, to meet our nation’s needs and is a great leap forward. For the reforms to truly succeed though, culture and behaviour will have to change too. Public procurers already have a good deal of discretion in deciding how to design and evaluate procurements; this will only be increased once the new Procurement Act is in play. Getting the evaluation stage right is arguably the key to success and, at the moment, there are a number of issues that recur. In many cases, avoidable errors with technical design, fear of challenge, and poor inherited practice, are stopping procurements from achieving all that they might.

In the built environment, these issues can be especially problematic. For that reason, a group of industry experts in the field have come together to share their insights. These are not broad brush strokes; they address ten specific, common instances where procurers can often get it wrong. Although aimed at the construction industry, there are lessons here for other public buyers too.

The publication sets out best practice, points out the potential unintended consequences of certain approaches, and addresses common misperceptions that may be driving behaviour. It also offers very practical and detailed advice on market engagement, evaluation methodology and ensuring that contractors deliver.

Come and join us to unpack the publication with a number of its contributors and to discuss the potential solutions with a number of its contributors, including:

  • Isabel Coman, Director of Engineering and Asset Strategy, Transport for London
  • Fergus Harradence, Deputy Director, Infrastructure & Construction, Department for Business and Trade
  • John Simons, Managing Director, SCAPE
  • John Doyle, Director, Business 2 Business Partnering Performance Management Ltd
  • Alasdair Reisner, Chief Executive of CECA
  • Rebecca Rees, Head of Public Procurement, Trowers & Hamlins

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Event details

Monday 24 February 2025
11.00am - 11.45am

Register here