How can we help you?

The draft Building Safety Bill is the Government’s legislative response to the Grenfell Tower fire and Dame Judith Hackitt’s review of the building industry, “Building a Safer Future”.

In the Foreword to the draft Bill, Robert Jenrick MP (Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government) states, “the draft Bill will introduce a new era of accountability, making it clear where the responsibility for managing safety risks lies throughout the design, construction and occupation of buildings in scope. There will be tougher sanctions for those that fail to meet their obligations.”

Trowers & Hamlins is committed to helping our clients navigate the new building safety regime. We have been involved with government working groups on the competency regime and have participated in the consultation of the legislative proposals and the implementation of the draft Bill, and are already working alongside clients, helping to deliver meaningful change and results in accordance with the proposals.

As part of this work we have produced this essential guide to the draft Bill, which provides an overview of the key elements of the proposed law changes.

We hope that this will help all those committed to delivering safer buildings get to grips with the draft Bill and move the conversation forward.

Download the guide here.