How can we help you?

Our training videos for housing association Development and Treasury teams look at how Development teams can help streamline the charging process, maximise the security value of new build properties and ensure that more funds are available for the future development and maintenance of affordable homes.

The videos explain:

  • How the property charging process (sometimes referred to as securitisation) works
  • Why we and your Treasury team require the information and documentation that we do
  • How you can help identify and resolve some of the key title issues that we regularly encounter
  • How can you get mortgagee exclusion clauses right and ensure you achieve the maximum value for a scheme
  • What “good data" is and why is it so important
  • How you can help set up a development for charging success

Click here to view the training videos.

If you would like us to give your Treasury and/ or Development teams bespoke interactive online training tailored to the needs and interests of your association, please click here.