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Welcome to issue 15 of Thinking Business, a Trowers & Hamlins bi-annual publication in which we share our latest insights and commercial thinking to help businesses adapt, grow and be successful in a rapidly changing world.

In this edition, we look at different aspects of some of the key issues in the current ESG environment, including an exclusive interview with one of our partners. 

  • Buy Women Built: Championing the efforts of female founders - In a Thinking Business first, one of our corporate partners, Alison Chivers sits down with Sahar Hashemi OBE, as they discuss Buy Women Built, what female entrepreneurs need and how it is now more important than ever to take risks and embrace innovation.
  • Prioritising values in the workplace - As new generations come into the workforce and pandemic adjustments are now becoming the new norm, it can be difficult to accommodate for all, especially values. It is, however, becoming more significant, particularly in the younger generations, and we look at actions that businesses may need to take to recruit and attract talent, and importantly retain their employees.
  • Anti-Greenwashing in the UK: Key Risks and Considerations for Businesses - With climate change becoming an ever more important issue for businesses and their service or products, it's crucial to get to get messages right about the environmental performance. As the regulatory landscape changes on a frequent basis, what can businesses do to not face significant penalties for greenwashing?
  • Safeguarding your IP: The perils of leaving it to chance - As a business grows and focuses on other priorities, it is easy to overlook their intellectual property. However, if a company doesn’t pay attention, they could lose their IP rights. What should businesses do to avoid this sticky situation?

We hope you’ll enjoy reading this and that you’ll find some interesting food for thought over the course of the following pages.

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