How can we help you?

Our next Trowers Tuesday is on Tuesday 15 June at 11:30 am and we'll be talking about mental health and wellness. 

Just because lockdown is easing and things are returning to a more "normal" state of affairs doesn’t mean that mental health and wellness should be forgotten. Many are anxious about returning to the office, the easing of measures that we now take for granted and a number are still suffering from the after effects of Covid-19. Employers will not only want to support colleagues through these difficult times but also harness some of the good experiences that colleagues may have had too which impact on their wellness, such as a better work-life balance, less commuting and more sleep.

Dr Ruth Briant-Jones and Rebecca McGuirk will be answering your questions on this complex topic and providing practical tips on what you can do to support your colleagues.

There is opportunity to submit questions on the registration page. Please note, the register button will take you to an external Zoom page. 

This session will be recorded. To see the full details of how the data is managed, please see our fair processing notice.

Event details

Tuesday 15 June 2021
11:30 am - 12:15 pm