How can we help you?

We are delighted to invite you to join us for our webinar looking at common commercial issues arising from the use of personal data. 

Join our experts, Charlotte Clayson and Victoria Robertson as they guide you through the practical implications of obtaining, using and sharing personal data to help your business thrive.  

This session will help you to understand what you need to know when negotiating contracts and data sharing arrangements, and how and when anonymisation and pseudonymisation of data can help. They will also look at the risks associated with using and sharing data in innovative ways, how those risks can be mitigated, and lessons that can be learned from recent cases.

Fair processing notice for webinars

If you decide to participate in one of our webinars, we may record the webinar and any contribution you make to it. If you would like your contribution to be anonymous, please can you state this if you are e-mailing in a question or query. For the recorded information, we remain the data controller and by making a contribution in a webinar you are giving us your consent to record that contribution and to use it for any purpose in relation to the subject of the webinar.

Under the definitions in the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), Trowers & Hamlins LLP is the Data Controller for information we process from you to engage with you. Should you decide to engage in one of our webinars, you will need to sign up to the zoom service, and for your use of their service, Zoom will be the data controller. You can find the zoom privacy information here at: You will also need to agree to their terms and conditions You should be aware that Zoom processes information in the US.

For further information, please see our full Fair Processing Notice.