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In the first of our Climate Change series of webinars, we looked at the predicted impact of climate change in the UK, the required trajectory of change and the opportunities presented by the transition to a low-carbon future.

Speakers from Trowers & Hamlins and the Met Office discussed predicted climate change, why we need to limit emissions, and the impact of the UK's planned trajectory to Net Zero 2050. Key topics covered included:

  • Scientific evidence for climate change
  • Projected temperature changes
  • Why limits on emissions are necessary
  • Impact of extreme weather events
  • Net Zero 2050 and the UK's new interim target
  • Likely impact on key sectors
  • Managing transition to a low-carbon economy

Speaker included:

  • Dr Emily Wallace, Scientific Consultancy Manager, Met Office 

The webinar recording can be seen below:

Chris Paul

Partner, Head of Energy and Sustainability


Chris Paul

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