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A survey commissioned by Acas and carried out by YouGov has revealed that 22% of employers intend to implement a requirement for new employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in the next year, while 21% are planning to implement the requirement for existing employees. 

Over half of the survey participants stated that they would not impose a vaccination requirement, with approximately 20% saying that they were undecided on the matter.

Acas has advised employers to support and encourage staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19, rather than implement a policy requiring it. It has also reminded employers to consult with staff or their recognised trade union with the aim of agreeing an appropriate vaccination policy. Other practical ways of supporting staff are recommended by Acas including paying them their usual rate of pay if they are off sick with vaccine side-effects instead of statutory sick pay, and offering staff paid time off for vaccination appointments.

Acas also recommends that, if someone does not want to be vaccinated, the employer should listen to their concerns. It points out that some people may have health reasons such as an allergic reaction to the vaccine, and some employees may have other reasons for not wanting to be vaccinated. Employers are reminded to be sensitive towards personal situations and to be careful to avoid discrimination.