Where development projects react to and enhance a positive real estate market, regeneration addresses market failure. Those failures are usual economic, social and physical.
That's why regeneration projects need more thought, preparation and planning then standard development schemes.
The Trowers & Hamlins Regeneration Masterclass series will explore all legal aspects of the processes, including how to avoid failures, so that you have a better chance of making your scheme a success.
Over the coming months expert Partners and guest presenters from the industry will provide experienced guidance and ideas to promote successful regeneration with a series of online presentations and workshops.
Explore the series library
23 May 2023 – Unlocking Stalled Projects
So many regeneration projects stall or fail altogether so the first session in the Masterclass series explores how to unlock stalled projects using our triage approach.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
22 June 2023 – Project Inception
In this session we explore the fundamentals of successful project inception from outlining the business case to member engagement and governance issues.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
20 July 2023 – Whose land is it anyway?
The third Masterclass takes a close look at how you can overcoming common issues and pitfalls of land ownership.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
28 September 2023 – Methods of delivery
In this session we explored the fundamentals of successful project inception from outlining the business case to member engagement and governance issues.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
19 October 2023 – Building contracts
Putting in place the right building contracts is key to delivering successful regeneration schemes. In this Masterclass our projects and construction experts guided you through what they are and the importance and the impact on your structured transaction.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
23 November 2023 – Dealing with disputes
A dispute during a regeneration scheme may arise and knowing how to deal with disputes and avoiding them will help you to a better outcome. In this Masterclass we focused on managing risks and disputes during the project, at completion and beyond.
This session was recorded and can be viewed here:
25 January 2024 – Procurement for successful regeneration schemes
Our specialist public sector procurement team took you through the design, structure and implementation of procurement processes for procuring a Joint Venture partner and the alternative procurement routes available to you.
8 February 2024 – Fundamentals of Development and Joint Agreements
Putting in place effective development arrangements are essential to deliver a successful regeneration scheme. This Masterclass will help you to understand the typical provisions in a DA or JVA and to navigate a schemes red lines and negotiation tactics.
29 February 2024 – The Planning Process
Navigating complex planning processes can make or break a regeneration scheme. In this Masterclass our planning and environmental experts worked through the planning process, policies and the challenges. We also explored the powers, processes and challenges of dealing with compulsory purchase orders.
21 March 2024 - Financing Regen
In this final session in the Regeneration Masterclass series we went through the options available to you to finance and fund your regeneration schemes. We covered public subsidies and funding and how to access funds as well as grants, loans and private funding.