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The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has responded to the government's consultation on the proposed 2023 to 2024 Disability Action Plan.  

The EHRC has reiterated its call for a mandatory duty on some employers to report on disability pay and employment gaps. It has encouraged data gathering to better understand barriers that disabled people face and has recommended the government prioritise engaging with disabled people and representative organisations. 

The EHRC has highlighted the challenges faced by disabled people with assistance dogs and recommended that the government take steps to raise individuals' awareness of their rights. It has referred to the disproportionate impact of the Covid pandemic on disabled people, and the need to better engage with disabled people to change government emergency planning and response. It has also welcomed more detail on the government's proposals around assistive technology, but cautioned that the focus should remain on reasonable adjustments and the importance of services that are accessible to all. Finally, it has recommended the urgent implementation of section 106 of the Equality Act 2010 so that political parties are required to publish diversity data about their candidates and are more aware of their duty to make reasonable adjustments. It has suggested a more inclusive approach to the political working environment.