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Welcome to this month's edition of Trowers & Hamlins Local Government Matters newsletter. As we await the General Election we focus in on how each party's manifesto will impact on local government activity and the possible changes that will ensue in the next political cycle.  

We also launch our most recent report on the future of digital in local government, in conjunction with the Centre for the New Midlands think tank and IT provider, JADU. The report is based on interviews and roundtables with experts from the public and private sector – setting out some clear lessons to be learnt from existing local government digital projects and the importance of strategic thinking in this space.

Carrying on the digital theme we include links to our cyber and fraud insights brochure and the outcome of our most recent cyber survey. With some high-profile cyber-attacks on public sector institutions in recent weeks, cyber resilience remains ever topical. In addition, we include a number of webinars and knowledge bites on the Procurement Act 2023 as well as our most recent regeneration podcast.

When we issue our next newsletter a new Government will be in situ and we will be reporting in more detail how this will impact on local government. To all those colleagues involved in supporting this fundamental democratic process – on behalf of all us at Trowers & Hamlins – we salute you! 

Click the links below to access the full articles:

Webinar: Procurement Act 2023 – reform and what it means to your organisation

Responding to demands from a number of finance teams in housing associations, John Wallace – Director of Procurement, Clarion Housing Group (the Cabinet Office's Housing Sector Single Point of Contact) and Rebecca Rees –  Head of Public Procurement, Trowers & Hamlins provided an overview of the provisions contained in the new Procurement Act.

To find out more about this session and to watch the recording of the webinar, please click the buttons below. 

Roundtable report: Digital transformation in Local Government

The roundtable underscored the critical role of enlightened leadership and strategic collaboration in driving digital transformation. By learning from international success stories and leveraging the potential of digital technology, local governments can enhance service delivery and improve residents' lives.

For more detailed insights and action points from the discussion, click the link to download the full roundtable.

Dissecting the manifestos

The general election is fast approaching so what do the parties have to say on various key aspects of employment law? 

Our Employment and Pensions team have been digesting the manifestos and look at the impact on employment law and people issues of the manifestos of the top 5 national parties.

Webinar: Trowers Tuesday – Manifesto Watch

To accompany our bulletin, we've running a series Manifesto Watch where Rebecca McGuirk, Emma Burrows and Nicola Ihnatowicz have discussed the proposals in the Liberal Democrats and Reform manifestos, as well as the proposals put forward by the Conservatives and Greens.

Homes are where the Election is

In recent local and mayoral elections, Labour won more than 1,000 of the 2,660 council seats up for election and nine out of ten regional mayor contests. The Green Party also took some big wins, achieved in part by pushing ambitious social housing and rent control policies. Given that 2024 is an election year for the UK, there looks to be a serious prospect of a change in the party achieving power. With this in mind, it is important to put the new policies we may see coming into effect soon under a microscope.

Can "things only get better" for Local Authorities with a Labour Government?

We've undertaken a review of the Labour Manifesto so local authorities can anticipate changes, prepare for implementation, and advocate for resources that will benefit their regions.

High street rental auctions – the government's response to a new power for local authorities to rent out vacant commercial property

The government has now published its technical consultation response. New powers will be in force by the summer, with ten areas taking part in the High Street Accelerators pilot scheme. This consultation response was published prior to the general election announcement being made so we will need to wait and see if this date is pushed back. 

Lucie Allen continues in our article to look at what we can expect. 

Procurement on Demand - changes to contract award procedures

The Procurement Act 2023 received Royal Assent on 26 October 2023. As part of the upcoming changes, the Procurement Act 2023 introduces a new set of contract award procedures. In this article, we look at the key changes and summarise the steps that authorities and bidders alike should take to prepare. 

Procurement on Demand – Getting your contracts in a row

Our firm's series of Procurement on Demand insights will assist contracting authorities, bidders and practitioners alike in getting to grips with the key changes and issues that may arise as a result of the Procurement Act 2023 (the 2023 Act).  

Podcast: Rethinking Regen - What is data-led regeneration and why is it important?

Partner Patrick Morris speaks to Sam Fox, Head of Research and Analytics at Ellandi, the UK's leading investment manager of destination and local shopping centres, about the concept of data-led regeneration and its importance in helping to create vibrant and successful town centres.

Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2024

The Department for Science Innovation and Technology published its annual Cyber Security Breaches Survey on 9 April 2024 ('the Survey'), gathering responses into the UK's cyber resilience across businesses and charities.

From reported cyber breaches in the past year to the importance of incident response plans, the Survey delves into a wide range of interesting cybersecurity data and practices. It is clear that the importance of cybersecurity sits as a high priority on the agenda, however the difficulties remain for boards in investing time and budget in order to increase their organisations' cyber resilience.

The JCT's new Minor Works Contracts

On 15 May 2024, the JCT released new editions of its Minor Works agreements, the second tranche of new building contracts in its much-anticipated 2024 suite.

A stalwart of small-scale projects such as refurbishments and extensions, the contract replicates many of the changes featured in its more substantial sibling, the Design and Build Contract. 

Michael Chilton and Adam Turner look at the 2024 edition and much more in our article. 

Right to Buy, a flexible test

Can you occupy a property as your principal home when you mainly sleep somewhere else?

Melanie Salsbury looks at the case of an tenant in his late 80s. 

Government issues consultation on clarifications to TUPE and abolishing the legal framework for European Works Councils

On 16 May 2024 the government issued a 'Consultation on clarifications to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 and abolishing the legal framework for European Works Councils'.  Despite the fact that there will be a General Election on 4 July, the consultation remains open and will close on 11 July 2024.

Employee was discriminated against because of her wish to adapt her work pattern to cope with her menopausal symptoms

The tribunal has held in the case of Johnson v Bronzeshield Lifting that the employer discriminated against an employee who wanted to adjust her work pattern to help her cope with her menopausal symptoms and caring responsibilities.

Joint Ventures: Exit Strategies and impact of Building Safety Act 2022

The need for residential developers in joint venture arrangements to have secure and appropriate exit strategies is nothing new. As legal advisors we recommend at the outset that this is considered when structuring the transaction as each joint venture will be different and each will need a bespoke strategy to be implemented once the joint venture has achieved its purpose and the parties are ready to go their separate ways.

Mental Health: How far have we come?

There are an increasing number of issues facing mental health services. Sadly, these issues span far and wide and we regularly see the media reporting on criticisms and allegations of systemic failings across a range of services.  

Exclusion of non-compliant bids in procurement processes: Optima v DWP

On 5 April 2024, the High Court handed down judgment in a claim brought by Wellbeing Ltd t/a Optima Health (Optima) against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Department for Work and Pensions (together, the DWP). 

In this article, Ellie O'Sullivan and Greg Barton look at the background of the case, the decision, it's implications and much more. 

Fraud and Cyber Insight - June 2024

Read our quarterly update from our fraud and cyber experts on key developments across the tech, cyber and fraud sphere and practical considerations for businesses to become more fraud and cyber resilient.

We have articles covering online safety, Cybersecurity and AI, our bitesize report highlighting the key takeaways from the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology's annual Cyber Risk Breaches Survey and much more. 

Local government podcasts and webinars library