Singapore, one of the leading wealth management centres in Asia, has traditionally been a home for the assets of the region's high net worth individuals, family offices and institutional investors due to its sound regulatory framework, sophisticated financial infrastructure and political stability which in turn facilitates cross-border fund establishment, capital raising and investments.
We work with a number of international fund managers who look to attract investment from investors in different markets and Singapore, like other global fund jurisdictions, has its own rules regulating such activities.
The regulatory framework for the offers of units in collective investment schemes (CIS) to persons in Singapore is underpinned by the Securities and Futures Act 2001 and its subsidiary legislations (SFA) while the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulates fund management activities in Singapore. In this article, we consider how a CIS that is constituted outside of Singapore can be marketed and distributed in Singapore.
Broadly speaking, there are three methods in which an offer of units in an offshore CIS can be made to investors in Singapore:
- by way of a public offering through a CIS recognised by MAS as a Recognised Scheme;
- by way of an offer made to non-retail investors through a CIS recognised by MAS as a Restricted Foreign Scheme; and
- by way of a private placement or an offer made to institutional investors (Exempted Offers).
We set out below a high-level comparative analysis between these schemes, including their respective key requirements to remain compliant with the SFA:
Description |
Recognised scheme |
Restricted foreign scheme |
Exempted offers |
Target investors |
Retail investors.
*Accredited investors refer to either (i) individuals whose net personal assets exceed S$2 million or whose net financial assets (e.g., bank deposits and prescribed investment products) exceed S$1 million or whose income in the preceding 12 months is not less than S$300,000 or (ii) corporations with net assets exceeding S$10 million. |
*Institutional investors refer to the Singapore Government, prescribed statutory boards, sovereign wealth funds, foreign central banks, foreign central governments, prescribed multilateral agencies or international organisations and certain regulated financial institutions in Singapore. |
Regulatory approvals |
MAS recognition is required. An offshore CIS may only be recognised if it complies with the relevant conditions / eligibility criteria. |
While the scheme is exempted from authorisation or registration with MAS (subject to compliance with the relevant conditions / eligibility criteria), such scheme must be notified to MAS for entry into the list of restricted schemes, prior to any offers being made. |
Exempted from scheme authorisation or registration with MAS subject to compliance with the relevant conditions / eligibility criteria. |
Conditions for recognition or exemption (where applicable) |
Unless the offer is made to an institutional investor, the following restrictions shall apply:
Registration of offering documents |
Prospectus must be registered with MAS. |
Prospectus registration requirements do not apply. |
Prospectus is not mandatory. Neither is there a requirement for any other offering document. |
Investment restrictions |
The CIS would have to be subject to investment guidelines which are substantially similar to those prescribed under MAS' Code on Collective Investment Schemes. |
Not required to comply with any specific investment guidelines. |
Not required to comply with any specific investment guidelines.
Our international funds practice has significant expertise in advising clients on the establishment of CIS across the UK, Europe, the GCC and in the major offshore fund domiciles for investment in several different jurisdictions. If you would like to discuss any matter referred to in this article, please get in touch with us and we would be happy to explore how we can assist on your offshore investment funds structuring and marketing requirements.