Navinder Grover

Navinder is a qualified Insolvency Lawyer who has joined Trowers & Hamlins in June 2020 as a Commercial Litigation Partner and Co-Head of the Trowers Restructuring & Insolvency Team. 

He has over 20 years experience and has been an affiliate member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association since qualifying in 2010. He is regularly instructed to advise Administrators, Liquidators, Directors and Creditors on high value insolvency disputes and business turnaround issues. He has recovered millions of pounds for creditors and office holders (Albermarle Hotels Limited v Ummat [2018]; Various creditors v Liquidators for Imperial Escrow Limited [2018]). 

His background is that of a Commercial Litigator and for many years he has run complex and high value disputes, often with a cross border element. He specialises in pursuing claims where there are issues of fraud or misfeasance and has regularly enjoyed success when advising in relation to partnership or shareholder disputes (Dalkilic v Pekin [2021]; Yaqoob v Khan [2020]). 

Navinder is one of a handful of Commercial Litigators nationally who has represented parties embroiled in the civil side of Restraint and Confiscation proceedings. His advice has resulted in them recovering very signficant sums that the state had improperly claimed to be proceeds of crime (arising from Confiscation Orders made in R v. Sharma [2007]; R v Takkar [2010]). He also advises on and pursues private prosecutions and is a member of the Private Prosecutors Association.    

His strengths arise from the breadth of the expertise that he brings to all of his client's issues and his ability to provide clear, cost effective and highly commercial advice.


Moratoria: a temporary respite from winding-up petitions?


Quarterly Insolvency Newsletter


Registered Provider Insolvency – lender considerations


Trowers advises Advanced Multi-Technology For Medical Industry and Caramel Sales Ltd on breach of contract claim


Webinar: De-risking and managing commercial disputes


Trowers & Hamlins advises Five Tech Ltd on the acquisition of Intellectual Property assets from the Administrators of Box Limited
