Join us on 22 May for a live mock Employment Tribunal event.
We know that the risk of Employment Tribunal litigation can be a concern for employers and managers alike. Understanding the Tribunal process will help HR professionals and employers make more confident decisions in the workplace and feel better equipped to defend Tribunal claims in the future.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on the other side of a Tribunal claim? Has it been a while since you've been to Tribunal?
The session is aimed at managers and HR professionals who have not experienced Tribunal first-hand or as a refresher for those who have. It's interactive and looks at real evidence and paperwork. The session will give you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the documents required to defend a case, the key legal tests that must be met and how decisions are reached.
This is what the attendees said at the recent Manchester one – 'excellent, very interesting and an eye opener to employment tribunals'; 'really engaging and insightful'; 'informative and confidence boosting' and 'thought provoking'.
We hope very much that you will be able to join us. Please forward this invitation to any interested colleagues.
We will confirm your place ahead of the event and look forward to seeing you there.